State Data Breach Notification Laws

Delaware has modified its data breach notification law in an amendment set to take effect in April 2018. Signed on August 17, 2017, the amendment is the first significant change to Delaware’s data breach notification law since its original enactment in 2005. The amended law requires companies to notify affected Delaware residents of a breach

New Mexico, one of the last holdouts in the move to state data breach notification requirements, has enacted its own data breach notification law, which will take effect on June 16, 2017 (i.e., 90 days after the adjournment of the New Mexico Legislature on March 18, 2017). Governor Susana Martinez signed the “Data Breach Notification

Cybersecurity and data privacy were high priority issues in 2015 for companies in a broad range of industries. This year is poised to see cybersecurity and data privacy continue to grow in importance for companies doing business in the United States and for US businesses operating globally. In our 2016 Outlook, we highlight five priority