In the 2022 edition of our long-running annual podcast, partners in Mayer Brown’s Technology Transactions practice will discuss trends that will drive and shape technology transactions. This year’s program will focus on convergence of cloud, AI and data; innovation through new and complex collaborations; continued change in cybersecurity and privacy laws and priorities; increasing focus

Codes of conduct are documents prepared by associations and other bodies that demonstrate how the General Data Protection Regulation(“GDPR”) applies and can be complied with by participants in particular industries and sectors  under Article 40 of the GDPR. Businesses may voluntarily adhere to codes of conduct to demonstrate their ability to comply with

As work-from-home (WFH) arrangements become more prevalent, the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong has issued three guidance notes for the handling of personal data connected with WFH arrangements.

An employer’s legal obligations as a data user are no different in a WFH arrangement than those in an office environment. However, the circumstances around

As businesses turn to cloud computing solutions and accumulate data in the cloud, they are presented with many challenges for complying with data privacy and cybersecurity regulations. Join Linda Rhodes, Brad Peterson and Joe Pennell on November 14, 2017, for our webinar Security and Privacy in the Cloud. They will cover topics including:

  • The background

Businesses today are increasingly turning to cloud computing solutions and accumulating data in the cloud at a staggering pace. Although cloud solutions have many advantages, they also present challenges. For example, cloud providers generally do not customize the cloud environment for any particular customer’s business needs given the multi-tenant nature of cloud solutions. In addition,