Gabriela Kennedy shares insight on tactics in cybercrime in Hong Kong in a Leadership Interview in the 2019 Official Guide to Communications in Hong Kong (the “Guide”), published by the Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK), of which Gabriela serves as legal advisor. In the interview titled ‘Educate the Public Against Cybercrime’, CAHK’s EXCO member Mr. Alex Tam spoke with Gabriela to explore common tactics adopted by cybercriminals and how the IT industry can help combat cybercrime in Hong Kong. Gabriela examined the latest tactics in cybercrime, including sophisticated social engineering, fake job listings, identity theft, illegitimate smartphone apps, unsecured networks, public surveillance and infected USB drives. Gabriela explains that Hong Kong is lagging behind when it comes to legislation aimed at cybercrime and security, and we need to adopt similar practices developed in other countries. Gabriela highlights the important advisory role the IT industry should play in educating the general public with regards to cybercrime. More information should be made available on new trends in cybercrime so that citizens understand the risks when releasing their personal information.
The Guide plays an important role in promoting the telecommunications industry in Hong Kong – since 1992, it has been an essential guide to issues in the market and forecasting emerging technology trends. The Guide was launched at the CAHK Christmas Cocktail on 7 December 2018, held at the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
To read this complete article visit 2019 Official Guide to Communications in Hong Kong.